Support The Port

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Support The Port Foundation, Inc, Helps The Homeless



(Wilmington, NC) May 15th - Support The Port Foundation, Inc extended a hand of love and care to the homeless on Sunday May 15th, 2016 from 2-5pm in 3 different locations. 30 plus volunteers assembled in the Star News parking lot and served pizza, cold beverages (soda, water, etc), books, clothes, and toiletry items to the less fortunate in our city who aren’t eligible for assistance from local shelters.  The atmosphere was filled with good energy, each table had centerpieces that read “You are loved” made by Regan Bailey to compliment her custom table cloths provided for the festivities. A few brave volunteers joined together, in a walk through the woods behind Star News parking lot to see if they could locate any of our cities less fortunate citizens that may needed help. We then decided to move shop to the Wilmington Rescue Mission building on 5th and Castle St where we continued  to give away more food, beverages and items there.  Around four o’clock  we had fed the whole building, but still had a lot of food leftover. So we donated the rest of the books, and clothes we had left over to The Rescue Mission shelter, and spent our last hour giving away the rest of the food and toiletry items outside of the Wilmington Public Library downtown where the homeless are known to hangout at on Sundays. We were able to provide assistance to about 75 people overall with food, beverages, toiletries, one on one conversations, prayer and additional resources. We can’t wait to do this random act of kindness again and as always, Support the Port exist simply to serve the City of Wilmington.


Here's some additional information for those struggling with homelessness

Special Thanks To:

Star News

Lamar “The Boxing Que” Russ

E.A. Laney Steppers

Coast 97.3

Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Wilmington

Bigg B

The Resource Guild

Catch Restaurant

Regan Bailey

Brewster Bailbonding

CupKay Sweets

Memories in The Making

New Covenant Holiness Church

Presidential Style Online

Sam Hardin

Communities in School



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About Support The Port Foundation, Inc.:


The mission of the Support The Port Foundation, Inc. is to enhance, cultivate and provide a renewed sense of community ownership and excellence for residents of Wilmington, North Carolina. Through the arts, philanthropy and scholarship, Support The Port Foundation, Inc. will increase self-ability, and foster a nonviolent environment where excellence in these three realms are celebrated and expanded.


To Make A Donation Please Visit:

*All Proceeds Will Help Fund Programming for Support The Port Foundation, Inc Future Endeavours*


Photos By Shanel Harrison



(L to R) Eden Avery (Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Wilmington), Cedric Harrison (Founder of Support The Port) and Raine Elise (Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Wilmington) at  Support The Port Foundation Inc., Helping The Homeless Event



(L to R) Bigg B (Coast 97.3 Program Director), Cedric Harrison (Founder of Support The Port), Shakeima Simpson(Memories in The Making), and Anglea Rhodes (Catch Restaurant Proprietor) at  Support The Port Foundation Inc., Helping The Homeless Event



A Volunteer From Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Wilmington Handing out Pizza During Support The Port Foundation Inc., Helping The Homeless Event



The Dining Area Was Decorated with Center Pieces and Table Cloths made by Regan Bailey During Support The Port Foundation Inc., Helping The Homeless Event



Volunteers Hard At Work During the Support The Port Foundation Inc., Helping The Homeless Event



Bigg B (Coast 97.3 Program Director) Handing Out Cupcakes made by CupKay Sweets During the Support The Port Foundation Inc., Helping The Homeless Event



Volunteers Passing Out Food and Items to The Homeless as They Go Down The Line at Support The Port Foundation Inc., Helping The Homeless Event



E.A. Laney Steppers Performing For Volunteers and Guest at Support The Port Foundation Inc., Helping The Homeless Event


Volunteers Helping The Homeless Outside of The Downtown Public Library During Support The Port Foundation Inc., Helping The Homeless Event



Cedric Harrison (Founder of Support The Port) Handing Out Toiletry Items During Support The Port Foundation Inc., Helping The Homeless Event



One Individual Showing How Much She Appreciates The Help During Support The Port Foundation Inc., Helping The Homeless Event